Illinois Order of Protection

The intention of orders of protection is honorable. They’re meant to shield victims of abuse, including domestic partners, children, or high-risk adults in vulnerable situations, from acts of harm against a person perceived as a threat to them.

Addiction Strikes Attorneys

Given the intensity of workweeks, averaging 60 hours, this should come as no surprise that lawyers have increasingly turned to unhealthy ways to cope with the stress.  According to the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs, “Up to 21 percent of licensed, …

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Motive vs. Action

Contact Chicago's Top Criminal Lawyers

One of the first things they teach you in an intro to law course is what the courts focus on. The parts of an accusation include both the actus reus and mens rea. These translate to the guilty act and the guilty mind. Understanding these, your lawyer is able to …

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Actual Physical Control: The What If Loop Hole

Individuals who have consumed alcohol and are not safe to drive, have options available to get home safely: sleep it off in your car, simply wait for the alcohol to pass, or call a friend. Many defendants may not know however, that some of these options will still lead to …

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Keep Your Driving Privileges After a DUI Conviction

Keep Your Driving Privileges One of the most devastating effects of a DUI conviction is losing your rights to drive. Your job, your social activities and your everyday errands can become expensive or a toll on your friends and loved ones. If you can’t afford not having your vehicle, consider …

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Theft Charges

Theft Charges Theft charges, whether it is simple shoplifting or armed robbery, is entitled to an aggressive defense. In Illinois, a person who unlawfully obtains less than $500 worth of property will be charged with a Class A misdemeanor if he or she is a first-time offender, but if he …

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Need Rehabilitation After Trial?

Rehabilitation If you suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, when the trial is over, the case is not necessarily closed. Rehabilitation is the next step to putting the entire incident behind you and moving forward in your life. Treatment programs are available for substance abuse, problems with mental health, anger …

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DUI Charges

DUI Charges ILLINOIS DUI DEFENSE   ”I highly recommend Edward to anybody looking for a very professional and well-prepared lawyer. I came to Edward in a time of need, and fully understanding the severity of my situation he did his best to help me. The service was everything I could’ve …

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Expungement Information: Do you know what an expungement proceeding is? In the common law legal system, an expungement proceeding is a type of lawsuit in which a first-time offender of a prior criminal conviction seeks that the records of that earlier process be sealed, thereby making the records unavailable through …

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