Marijuana-Related DUI | The New Trend: Driving While High

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Marijuana-related DUI Times are changing. Thirty years ago, there was an alarming amount of people driving under the influence of alcohol on the road. Now, with the legalization of marijuana beginning to perpetuate America, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is finding that there are more and more driving …

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Drug Scandal Update | Schaumburg PD

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Drug Scandal The Chicago Tribune has brought us another update on the drug scandal the Schaumburg Police Department suffered concerning 3 of its officers and their personal drug dealing. Beginning in 2013, 15 civilians filed lawsuits against the officers for violation of their constitutional rights. Since then, 7 of the …

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Secretary of State Cracks Down on Police for DUI Paperwork

Today, the Chicago Tribune reminds us that nobody is perfect, even government employees. According to the Secretary of State, police officers have not been diligent in sending in statutory summary suspensions, which the state uses to revoke licenses from those arrested for a DUI. Without that DUI paperwork, the state …

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Illinois Rising Star Award

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Edward Johnson Super Lawyer Recognition Criminal defense attorney Edward Johnson III has received the Illinois Rising Star Award from Super Lawyers, a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. Edward Johnson represents defendants charged with …

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North Carolina Law Backlash

On March 28, 2016, gay and transgender groups rallied together to challenge a new law instated last week by Republican Governor Pat McCroy.  The new law, known as the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, prevents cities and counties in North Carolina from extending protections to cover sexual orientation and …

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DUI Road Blocks | Berwyn Police Departments

DUI Road Blocks According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, every day approximately 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This sobering statistic has legislation and police departments taking more steps to stop drivers from driving under the influence. …

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Removal of Storage Lockers in Leighton

On Monday, April 4, as defendants and attorneys filed into lines to get past security, some people were forced to rush back to their cars to store their cell phones.  As of April 2, 2016, the Cook County Department of Facilities Management declared that they would no longer provide storage …

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