Why Police Shootings Won’t Stop

With recent shootings of individuals progressing from simple traffic stops, citizens and civil right groups are left wondering how to stop this escalation from happening. One can name numerous cases of traffic stops ending in death; Sandra Bland from Texas was pulled over for failing to use a turn signal …

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Heroin Addiction Breaking the Cycle with Methadone

There is a growing epidemic of heroin use in the United States; the Drug Enforcement Administration found that heroin use and deaths involving heroin tripled from 2007 to 2014. These statistics illustrate how necessary finding a solution for this addiction is. In order to aid in the fight, federal regulations …

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Homicide & Murder Cases

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Homicide and Manslaughter Attorneys Law Office ofEdward Johnson and Associates P.C. Recognized Homicide Attorneys in Illinois. If you are being charged with a homicide by the Illinois authorities, Contact Us at 708.606.4386 today! What Is Homicide? Homicide is defined as the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; …

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Breaking Heroin Addiction

There is a growing epidemic of heroin use in the United States; the Drug Enforcement Administration found that heroin use and deaths involving heroin tripled from 2007 to 2014.  These statistics illustrate how necessary finding a solution for this addiction is.  In order to aid in the fight, federal regulations …

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Technological Trend: Warrants

The “Maps” application found on virtually all mobile phones has more than one use especially for law enforcement.  Recently, more warrants have been issued by law enforcement to collect information about the movements and activities of Android users.  By utilizing this strategy, law enforcement are able to chronicle the whereabouts …

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A Call for Red Light Camera Change

Red Light Cameras The people of the city of Chicago, and anyone else driving through it, have had to suffer at the hands of an administration that supposedly wants to keep them safe, but in actuality just wants their money. When Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration and their red-light cameras surreptitiously …

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Marijuana-Related DUI | The New Trend: Driving While High

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Marijuana-related DUI Times are changing. Thirty years ago, there was an alarming amount of people driving under the influence of alcohol on the road. Now, with the legalization of marijuana beginning to perpetuate America, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is finding that there are more and more driving …

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Drug Scandal Update | Schaumburg PD

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Drug Scandal The Chicago Tribune has brought us another update on the drug scandal the Schaumburg Police Department suffered concerning 3 of its officers and their personal drug dealing. Beginning in 2013, 15 civilians filed lawsuits against the officers for violation of their constitutional rights. Since then, 7 of the …

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Secretary of State Cracks Down on Police for DUI Paperwork

Today, the Chicago Tribune reminds us that nobody is perfect, even government employees. According to the Secretary of State, police officers have not been diligent in sending in statutory summary suspensions, which the state uses to revoke licenses from those arrested for a DUI. Without that DUI paperwork, the state …

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