
One of the most crucial steps in fighting the charges against a client in the investigation. In order to win a client’s case, we must investigate all the alleged factual issues, including but not limited to, the location of the crime scene, any phone calls, all witnesses, the police’s conduct, the physical evidence, conducting background checks and much more. It is important to our client’s cases that we leave no stone unturned. At the Law Office of Edward Johnson, our legal team investigates every case thoroughly.


A strategy our office implements is the subpoena. There are two types, one to summon a person to testify in court and one to command a person or organization to produce physical documents that may be used in our client’s cases. A subpoena duces tecum, is used to demand cell phone records, arrest videos, 911 calls, etc. We use these documents to build our case against the other side. We are extremely efficient at procuring evidence in this way. Thus, by using subpoenas, we are able to obtain crucial pieces of evidence for our clients.

Another area our office implements is the use of investigators. These investigators have mostly retired police officers who use their expertise to help investigate our client’s cases. They assist in investigating witnesses against our clients. They also go out to the crime scenes to document the area and talk to any other people who the police may have not interviewed. They help admit evidence at our client’s trials and so much more. By using investigators our office is able to build the strongest cases for our clients’. For more information about our investigators click here.

It is of the utmost importance to build the strongest case for our clients and by working diligently to investigate on our client’s behalf, we are able to satisfy this requirement. After all, at the Law Office of Edward Johnson, we believe that not all lawyers are created equal and that our clients should never settle for less than the best in their legal representation.

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