How A DUI Conviction Can Jeopardize Your Professional License In Illinois

As an experienced DUI attorney in Illinois, I can confidently attest to the fact that a conviction of DUI could affect virtually every aspect of your life and certainly impact your career. If you have a professional license or are in pursuit of one from the State of Illinois, the consequences could have a ripple effect far beyond the original court decision of your case. It is very important to be aware of what your DUI conviction may do to your professional standing and what you must proactively take action with in terms of protecting your career.

How A DUI Conviction Affects Professional Licenses

Driving under the influence may put one’s professional license at risk. Consequently, careers involving health, education, law enforcement, and other state-licensed occupations are put in jeopardy. Illinois law conditions, like that of the Professional Counselor and Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing and Practice Act, 225 ILCS 107/, give certain causes upon which a license shall be denied, revoked, or suspended. These provisions may consider a conviction of DUI as a failure to show good moral character and raise a question about your ability to practice your profession responsibly.

For professionals like nurses, doctors, teachers, and lawyers, a DUI not only burdens one’s personal reputation but also triggers an investigation by your state licensing board. Such an investigation may result in one of the following disciplinary actions: suspension of license, revocation of license, treatment programs due to substance abuse, or even permanent loss of licensure.

The most important thing one can do right after a DUI arrest is to appreciate the gravity of the charges and, more importantly, understand what it specifically will entail regarding your professional license. For many professionals, reporting obligations may require you to contact your licensing board. Failure to comply with this will lead to further charges for failure to report an arrest or conviction.

The licensing board will then do its investigation, which includes, but is not limited to, a hearing where you can defend your right to keep your license. This is where the outcome of your DUI court case may have a great impact on the board’s decision. That being the case, it is crucial to take care of your DUI charges with the experience of an attorney who knows how to take care of both criminal and administrative consequences.

Protecting Your Professional License

If you have been charged with DUI, aggressive legal defense is your most strategic choice. At Edward Johnson & Associates P.C., our attorneys practice DUI defense, and we understand the complexities of Illinois DUI law and how it affects professional licensing. We strive to be in a position where we can apply a comprehensive defense strategy that addresses not just the criminal case itself but also the administrative hearing before your specific licensing board.

Common Questions About DUI And Professional Licenses

What Should I Do Immediately After A DUI Arrest In Order To Protect My Professional License? 

Immediately after a DUI arrest, one should seek the opinion of a DUI attorney who is experienced in the effect of such an arrest on professional licensing. It is also recommended that one check with one’s licensing board for specific reporting requirements, as some indeed require immediate notification of any criminal charges.

If I Am Acquitted Of The Charges Of DUI, Can I Avoid A Review Of My Professional License? 

An acquittal will have significant effects in reducing any possibility of serious sanctions by your licensing board but cannot ensure that a review will not occur. The board can proceed with its investigation into whether or not any professional conduct standards were violated.

How Can A Lawyer Help With My Licensing Board? 

An experienced DUI attorney can prepare the paperwork and defense for hearings in front of the licensing board. They can also negotiate potential penalties, as well as argue for alternatives to suspension or revocation, such as probationary terms or rehabilitative programs.

What If I Do Not Report A DUI Arrest To My Licensing Board? 

If you fail to report a DUI arrest, you will invite additional discipline which can include allegations of unethical conduct placing your license in even further jeopardy.

Are Some Professions In More Danger Than Others Of Having Their Professional License Revoked After A DUI? 

While any professional license can be affected by a DUI, professions such as healthcare, education, and transportation are more regulated because these careers involve public safety and trust issues.

How Can I Minimize The Impact Of A DUI On My Professional License? 

It may be helpful in disciplinary proceedings if proactive rehabilitation programs, substance abuse counseling, or other remedial measures can be demonstrated to the licensing board as steps taken in mitigation.

How Long Does A DUI Stay On My Record, And How Does This Affect My Professional License? 

In Illinois, a DUI may remain on one’s criminal record permanently unless it is expunged or sealed. This criminal conviction may impact renewal and future background checks by the licensing boards.

Can I Handle A DUI And Licensing Issue On My Own Without An Attorney? 

While you have the right to self-represent in both the criminal and administrative processes, the complexities associated with DUI charges and professional licensure make this extremely unwise. An attorney with experience in both areas can provide relevant counsel and advocacy.

What Can Be Expected From A Licensing Board Hearing? 

One may be required to give testimony in a licensing board hearing and present evidence, answering questions regarding their DUI incident. The board will decide if one’s actions violate the set code of ethics or professionalism for a particular profession.

How Do I Prepare For The Potential Impact On My Professional License If I Am Arrested For DUI?

One would prepare by consulting an attorney concerning the full range of possible consequences, assembling and preparing necessary documentation and evidence, and possibly making provision for character and professional references to speak on behalf of one’s character.

Contact Our Chicago Dui Attorney For An Aggressive Defense

A DUI conviction can have severe effects on your professional career, especially if you have a professional license. Understanding the potential effects, meeting your reporting requirements, and obtaining proactive legal support to protect your rights can have significant effects on both your criminal and administrative cases. If either of these issues arises, you need to take immediate action and be strategic.

If you are dealing with a DUI charge in Illinois and are concerned about the impact on your professional license, contact our Chicago DUI attorney at Edward Johnson & Associates P.C. by calling 708-762-8666 to receive your free consultation. Based in Chicago, IL, our firm will defend those accused of DUI throughout the entire city and also assist clients through the overwhelming process of protecting their professional licenses. Just remember, it may not be the end of your career, but there are wrong ways to handle a DUI conviction that will surely make it so. Let us help you obtain the best possible result in your case and protect your future professional career.

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