Given the intensity of workweeks, averaging 60 hours, this should come as no surprise that lawyers have increasingly turned to unhealthy ways to cope with the stress. According to the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs, “Up to 21 percent of licensed, employed lawyers qualify as problem drinkers; for lawyers under age 30, it’s 31.9 percent.” For questions concerning the use of illicit and licit drugs, the statistic is higher, 74 percent of lawyers stated they used these stimulants weekly. In comparison to alcoholism in America, the percentage reaches a mere 6% of the population.
With this growing epidemic for lawyers, the American Bar Association and other organizations have taken several measures for future lawyers and current ones. For example, the Lawyer’s Assistance Program is a program set up in every state with the mission to assist lawyers, law students, and judges with substance abuse, addiction, and mental health problems along with educating them about mental illness. Further, de-stigmatizing the concept of receiving help could encourage lawyers to ask for help from their firm. For law students in particular, most law schools provide counseling sessions and activities to deal with the stresses of law school.
With all of these resources in place, hopefully lawyers and law students can receive the help they need before they become another statistic.
If you are facing charges, the Law Office of Edward Johnson may be able to help. Call now for a free consultation at 708.606.4386.
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