Cash seizure and Civil forfeiture Law

Experts In Civil Forfeiture and Cash Seizure Law

Our proficient civil forfeiture attorneys at Edward Johnson and Associates P.C. boast unparalleled experience in this field. Contact us now at 708-606-4386 to schedule your free consultation.

Trusted Experts in Civil and Criminal Asset Forfeiture

The cash forfeiture lawyers at Edward Johnson and Associates P.C. are well-known experts in the field of civil and criminal asset forfeiture. We have a reputation for recovering large cash amounts and valuable assets from powerful federal and state agencies.

You need your money back, and you need it fast. We understand that because we have helped countless clients in situations like yours get their cash and assets back. Using years of experience and in-depth legal knowledge, we challenge the government’s right to seize your property at every level to give you the best chance of getting it back.

Edward Johnson best lawyer chicago and top rated criminal defense attorney

What is asset forfeiture and cash seizure?

It sounds crazy until it happens to you: Law enforcement shows up at your home or business, walks in with a warrant and takes your money, vehicles, jewelry and maybe even your real estate. Then, they try to sell it and keep the proceeds.

It’s called asset forfeiture. Criminal asset forfeiture usually means you have been charged with a crime, but they can still take your property through civil asset forfeiture even if you haven’t been charged with a crime.

You worked hard for your money and property. Our experienced Chicago forfeiture lawyers will work hard to get it back for you. And if we fail, you pay nothing. They already took your assets, you have nothing more to lose and everything to gain.

Asset Seizure and Forfeiture: By the Numbers

$1.75 billion In 2020, federal law enforcement contributed $1,758,165,525 in forfeited assets to the federal asset forfeiture fund.

$20 million In Illinois, law enforcement seizes more than $20 million in cash through civil judicial forfeiture every year.

90% Illinois law enforcement gets 90 percent of the proceeds from civil forfeiture in our state.

$1.7 million The Chicago Police Department received $1,696,788 in equitable sharing payments and proceeds from sales of seized assets in 2020.

$0 You pay absolutely nothing if we don’t get your cash and assets back. If we do win for you, you pay us a percentage of what we recovered for you.

Understanding Federal Asset Forfeiture

What gives the government the right to take your hard-earned money? Federal asset forfeiture laws are complex and confusing. But it’s important to understand forfeiture laws so you can know whether you have a chance of getting your cash back. Your asset forfeiture attorney in Illinois can help you understand your legal options.

Federal Civil Forfeiture Laws

Civil judicial forfeiture laws enable the federal government to seize your property without necessarily charging you with a crime. Under 18 USC 983, they only have to claim that they suspect you of a crime and convince a court that the property or cash was used in or derived from the alleged crime. Then they can take your cash and assets under 18 USC 981.

Federal Criminal Forfeiture Laws

Under 21 USC 853, the federal government can charge you with a crime and take any property or assets connected to that alleged crime when you are convicted. Seized property can include currency, real estate, raw materials, paraphernalia and firearms (defined in 21 USC 881). 

Equitable Sharing

Through civil forfeiture, the government (or any agency that seized the property) sell such property and keeps as much as 80% of the proceeds for itself. This practice is also known as equitable sharing.

Cash & Asset Forfeiture Stats

According to Forbes article regarding civil forfeiture, without warrants and despite a lack of criminal charges, law enforcement nationwide has taken in $2.5 billion from 61,998 cash seizures under equitable sharing and local and state authorities kept $1.7 billion for their own uses.

How Seizure and Forfeiture Happens

Civil Forfeiture happens when you have had your car, home, or other property seized by the government even though you were never charged or convicted of a crime, then you have been victimized by civil forfeiture laws. The Institute for Justice defines civil forfeiture as the use of government power to take property suspected of involvement in a crimes even if the owner was not charged with a crime.

Claim Your Free Consultation with a Chicago Forfeiture Attorney

Don’t wait. Schedule a 100 percent free consultation to discuss your unique asset forfeiture case with a top Illinois and Chicago forfeiture lawyer. Give us a call at 708-606-4386 or contact us online as soon as possible.

Money Seized by Police? You’re on a Deadline

If you have received notice of a criminal or civil forfeiture, you and your attorney can fight to get your assets back, but you’re on a deadline. These deadlines vary, depending on whether the forfeiture is from the federal or state level and whether it is civil or criminal. 

If you miss the deadline to respond, you may lose your chance to recover your assets and cash. A trusted forfeiture attorney can help you respond in time and take the right steps to get back what’s rightfully yours.

How an Illinois Asset Forfeiture Lawyer Can Help You

If you want your money and property back after a forfeiture, you have to fight back. An experienced lawyer from Edward Johnson and Associates P.C. can help you do that. Here’s how:

We Defend You

If you are ultimately found not guilty of a crime related to the forfeiture, you should be able to get your seized property and money back. As top-rated criminal defense lawyers, we know how to build a bulletproof defense that gives you the best possible shot of beating any criminal charges.

We Defend Your Assets!

Law enforcement likes to weaponize civil asset forfeiture laws to use against citizens like you, but even the police have to follow certain rules about property seizures. We examine the rules of the involved government agencies, push through administrative forfeiture claim review processes and look for any improper actions that could get your property returned to you.

Fighting Federal & State Agencies in forfeiture cases

When the government takes your money and property, you have to go toe-to-toe with a powerful government agency to get it back. That can be pretty intimidating, which is why it can be so helpful to hire an experienced asset forfeiture attorney. 

We go up against the following government agencies, among others, to get your cash and other assets back.

Cash and Asset Forfeiture by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)





US Attorney’s Office

State/Local PD



US Secret Service

Best Criminal Defense When It Counts The Most

The attorneys at Edward Johnson and Associates P.C. take pride in providing a complete legal defense team for our clients. Our clients agree, as we are one of the highest rated criminal law firms in Illinois reviews If you want to bring the fight, you will need a complete legal defense team and not a solo attorney.

Do You Have a Legal Matter?

Contact a Top-Ranked Attorney Today!

The expert attorneys at Edward Johnson and Associates P.C. take pride in providing open and honest communication to our clients throughout the legal process and strive to prepare for any criminal, forfeiture, or expungement case to get the best results for you.

To get started on your defense or discuss how an attorney may be able to assist you, call and schedule a consultation or fill out the contact form below. One of our expert lawyers will be in touch as soon as possible to start on your case.

24/7 Availability: We are available around the clock to provide you with the legal support you need, whenever you need it. Habla español

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Pilsen Office

1945 S. Halsted St
Pilsen East Center, Suite 309
Chicago, IL 60608

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53 W Jackson Blvd
Suite 315
Chicago, IL 60604

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9009 Thomas Ave
Bridgeview, IL 60455

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3060 N Clybourn Ave
Chicago, IL 60618

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